
Monday, June 17, 2013

Top 10 Greatest Movie Villains of All Time - Part 2

In part one, we took a look at numbers 10 through 6 on our list of all time greatest movie villains. We went to space with Hal 9000, Middle Earth with Sauron and our darkest nightmares with Freddy Krueger. Now it's time to take a look at the top 5 bad guys...and boy are these guys bad.
5. Scar

Who is He: Simba is super-excited to grow up and be king of Pride Rock in Disney's The Lion King. Unfortunately, his uncle Scar has different plans; namely, killing Simba's dad, ordering Simba's death and taking the throne for himself.

What Makes Him So Scary: In the same vein as Lex Luthor or Emperor Palpatine, Scar is a mastermind. He uses those around him and manipulates them to his advantage. Besides, anyone who can look his brother straight in the eyes before sending him to his death is one cold SOB.

4. Lord Voldemort

Who is He: Harry Potter is known as the Boy Who Lived. What did he live through? The murderous attack of the evil Lord Voldemort who murdered Harry's parents and tried to kill baby Harry.

What Makes Him So Scary: Imagine Hitler was a wizard who had an army of evil wizards at his command. That's about what Voldemort represents. He is willing to kill anyone and everyone to get what he wants. Not to mention that whole no nose thing is creepy as hell.

3. Colonel Hans Landa

Who is He: In Quentin Tarintino's WWII re-imagining Inglorious Bastards, the Nazis have employed Colonel Hans Landa to hunt down jews in hiding.

What Makes Him So Scary: The only thing worse than a nazi is a likeable, polite nazi. In the first 15 minutes of Inglorious Bastards, Landa shows his wit, his intelligence, but also his propensity for finding - and killing - those who don't wish to be found.

2. Darth Vader

Who is He: In his quest to conquer the galaxy and rid it of the Jedi, Star Wars' evil Emperor Palpatine deploys his greatest weapon: the ruthless Darth Vader, once a powerful Jedi himself turned to the Dark Side.

What Makes Him So Scary: Vader has surrendered himself completely to his master and to the teachings of the Dark Side and has murdered countless men, women, and children across the galaxy. Also, his tendency to punish the slightest failure of his subordinates with excruciating death make him the world's worst boss.

1. The Joker (Heath Ledger)

Who is He: Just as Batman and his allies begin to turn the tide in the war on organized crime in Gotham City, a wildcard with no name or past enters the stage and throws the city into chaos.

What Makes Him So Scary: Organized crime is, well, organized. The Joker doesn't operate like that. As he tells Harvey Dent, "I'm an agent of chaos." His motives are vague, or maybe he doesn't have any at all. Either way, the Joker proves that this phrase is still as true as ever: "You always fear what you don't understand".

What do you think? Did I get any wrong? Miss anyone altogether? Comment!

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