
Saturday, June 15, 2013

Top 10 Greatest Movie Villains of All Time - Part 1

It's long been said that a hero can only be as good as his or her villain. Many of the greatest films ever made are defined by their baddies and by the legendary performances given by the actors who played them. I decided to list my picks for the top 10 greatest bad guys in movie history. Come check out numbers 10-6 in part one!

10. Hal 9000

Who is He: In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the spacecraft Discovery One is maintained and controlled by a calm-speaking, intelligent program called Hal 9000.

What Makes Him So Scary: Hal is the ultimate in technology turned against us. With his integration into every aspect of life for the astronauts (much like tech in our own lives), he renders them helpless as he tries to reconcile an error in his programming logic by killing them.

9. Freddy Krueger

Who is He: In a Nightmare on Elm Street, teenagers are terrorized by Freddy, a disfigured serial killer who visits them in their dreams.

What Makes Him So Scary: In many horror movies, we as the audience can easily say "I would never put myself in that situation". But we all have the same thing in common with Freddy's victims: We all have to sleep sometime.

8. T-1000

Who is He: After his mother narrowly avoids death in The Terminator, John Conner finds himself once again the target of assassination from the future in the form this upgraded and unstoppable killing machine in Terminator 2: Judgement Day.

What Makes Him So Scary: Have you ever had that dream where something is chasing you and no matter what you do or who you ask for help, it still comes. Yeah, that THING is probably T-1000. He can take whatever you dish out and even if it phases him, he is as good as new in 5 minutes.

7. General Zod

Who is He: A military leader on Superman's home planet of Krypton, General Zod is imprisoned by Supes' dad Jor-El and sent off-world before the planet is destroyed. He eventually finds his way to Earth and seeks to enslave mankind under a new Kryptonian race - oh and a little revenge against the son of Jor-El won't hurt either. (Click Here to read our review of Zod's latest appearance in Man of Steel)

What Makes Him So Scary: Imagine if Superman turned evil and used all of his amazing, terrible powers to destroy Earth. That is what Zod can do!

6. Sauron

Who is He: In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Middle Earth is threatened by an evil entity that spreads darkness throughout the land, seducing its inhabitants into his service.

Whay Makes Him So Scary: Sauron, in a very real sense, is the devil. He is pure evil; unseen and silent and works through others. Maybe even people close to you. Also that giant eye is pretty damn creepy.

Stay tuned for Part 2! In the meantime, comment and tell me who your favorite movie villains are!

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