
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Five Actors Who Could Play Batman Next

I know, I know! I can hear your thoughts as you read the post title:

"Christian Bale can still play him!"
"Why reboot Batman? Even if Bale doesn't come back, Joseph Gordon-Levitt can do it!"

I'm sorry to disappoint you guys. I loved (most of) the Dark Knight trilogy just like you did, but it's over. Nolan has moved on and has no interest in continuing the story, Bale won't come back without Nolan, and no one is going to start a new set of films built on a Batman who isn't Bruce Wayne. It's just not going to happen. That universe is dead. Understand?

Now that we've got that out of the way, we can get to the point. Warner Bros. and DC are probably going to give us a new Batman ( either in a Justice League movie or in a solo film) within the next 4 or 5 years. It's fair to say that soon we will start hearing rumblings of casting rumors. So before that happens, I wanted to give my own pics for the five actors I think could play Batman in order of least to most likely.

5. Bradley Cooper

As seen in our Justice League fantasy casting post, Cooper would be a great choice for Batman. His experience and range are undeniably impressive and his face would sell a few tickets!

4. Sam Witwer

If you call yourself a geek, you've probably seen this guy. Between his role as Darth Vader's apprentice in the two Force Unleashed video games, his role as Doomsday (kinda) on Smallville and a starring in a popular show on SyFy, Being Human, Witwer has proven his love for genre work. Also, he does brooding very well!

3. Jake Gyllenhaal

Apparently, when casting for Batman Begins started up, writer David S. Goyer favored Jake Gyllenhaal as Batman. It stands to reason, then, that he would be considered again, especially if Goyer is once again involved.

2. Andrew Lincoln

An odd sounding choice, sure. But the Walking Dead's badass sheriff could definitely pull off a gruff Batman to clash with Cavill's polite Superman in a future team up. And Lincoln has a way with emotion that puts a lot of other actors to shame.

1. Luke Evans

You may not know his name, but I bet you've seen his face. Evans has starred in quite a few films lately, including Fast and Furious 6 and opposite Henry Cavill (Man of Steel) in Immortals! Sure, he has the look, but this guy is a REAL actor. He tends to steal the scenes he's in and we'd bet a fair amount of money we don't have that Luke Evans will be on WB's shortlist for the new Batman.

Bonus: Why Ryan Gosling Should Never Be Batman

-Being pretty doesn't qualify you for being Batman.
-He has been in a million movies in the past year, most of which were pretty dull.
-Going with a relative unknown will better suit the character; also it will be cheaper' giving the filmmakers more money for the actual movie.

So what do you guys think? Agree or disagree; and not just about Gosling.

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