
Friday, January 31, 2014

Batman vs Superman Has a Lex Luthor!

What's up everyone, Dusty here with some big news! Today, it was announced officially by Zack Snyder and Co. that the upcoming sequel to Man of Steel will include Lex Luthor and will be portrayed by none other than Jesse Eisenberg.

lex, luthor, jesse, eisenberg

At first glance, I was disappointed with this choice. Personally, I wanted Michael C. Hall (Dexter); but after some thought, I've come to accept this. Below I've outlined a few of the arguments that we are already seeing online about why he will be terrible and my rebuttal to each one:

Argument #1: He's Too Young!

Rebuttal #1: Why? For ten years we had a Lex Luthor on the small screen that was the same age as Clark Kent and that is my, and many other people's, favorite Lex to date. Besides, Lex Luthor represents a class of citizen that is on top of the world with hands in all industries. In modern America, that sounds like a tech company to me and most of the guys that run those are barely out of high school! Think, Google run by Satan!

Argument #2: But he has so much hair!

Rebuttal #2: Okay comic fans, let's talk. When making a comic book movie, there are some things you have to do and some you don't. In this case, you have to have a brilliant, charming but disturbed guy with resources at his disposal. Do you have to have a bald head? No. We have a black Perry White (who rocked, btw). Why can't we have a Lex with hair? It wouldn't be the first time (Lois & Clark, Superman: For All Seasons)

Argument #3: But I wanted [Insert Your Favorite Casting Choice Here]

Rebuttal #3: Stop it. Sure, Cranston, Pheonix, or any of the others that were rumored would have been great but there is one thing you have to keep in mind: You haven't read the script! It's easy to haphazardly throw out names of bald guys or Oscar winning actors and say they'd be great (and this is how most of the rumors got started), but the actual story the filmmakers are dealing with probably narrowed down the list of potential actors. So let go of your Bryan Cranston as Lex Dreams and just accept this. It's happening.

Now that we have logically answered the most common complaints, let's answer the illogical, crazy people saying "That's it. I'm out. Never seeing this movie".

My answer to that? I'll save you a seat on opening night.

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