
Friday, June 28, 2013

Captain Planet Movie, Terminator Reboot and Encyclopedia Brown - Friday Movie News Recap

It's days like today that make me glad to be a movie fan. We have a few bits of movie news that, if you were born or alive in the 1980's, you will most likely enjoy...or hate.

Finally, Captain Planet is On The Way!

Since the outbreak of superhero movies began, we nineties children only wished for one thing: that amid the Kryptonians and mutants, Spidermen and eccentric billionaires, we would one day get a Captain Planet movie. Well folks, Sony is in talks to give us just that! It's early days, of course, but expect to be kept updated on this one right here at The Final Cut Blog!

P.S. Sony, of you're listening, you HAVE to give Don Cheadle a cameo.

Encyclopedia Brown Getting Big Screen Treatment

Growing up, I loved mystery books like Encyclopedia Brown. I even started my own "detective service". It was really just me and my sister playing around with a super sleuth kit, but I think it solidifies my dork status. So obviously I'm extremely excited to see this series come to the silver screen! Who would you want to see as the title character?

Terminator Reportedly Getting The Reboot; but still starring Arnold?

There are plenty of conflicting reports about the upcoming Terminator film. The latest of which stating it will kickoff a new "standalone" trilogy with new characters being introduced. This would seem to suggest they are starting over, however Arnold Schwarzenegger is confirmed to be starring. Even his character is uncertain, though, with some saying he will be a human, fighting the robots of the future in the 1930's and others claiming he's reprising his role as the titular cyborg. 

What ever they do, I think we can all agree on one thing: leave Christian Bale out of it.

Here are some other things going on around here:

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