
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Movie Review: Neighbors

Happy Tuesday night everyone. We're here with a review of the new Seth Rogen and Zac Efron comedy Neighbors. The story follows a new set of parents who discover their new neighbors are members of a fraternity and enjoy loud, late night parties. Hi-jinks ensue when the couple calls the cops on the frat and begins a not-so-friendly game of one-upmanship. Now as someone who has had bouts with terrible neighbors recently, this movie was of particular interest to me and while watching it allowed me to vicariously fulfill my desires of getting back at my own next door terror, the question remains whether it was a good movie.

The Good

Seth Rogen has been hit or miss with me in his most recent movies. I've actually come to find him excruciatingly annoying. The laugh, the stupid expression (singular) and did I mention the laugh? However this film allows Rogen to shine. The secret, I think is that Rogen is not tasked with carrying the whole film, but instead we get small doses broken up by amazing, scene-stealing costars like Rose Byrne, Dave Franco, Ike Barinholtz and, yes, Zac Efron.

This should go without saying, it being a comedy and all, but it needs to be said anyway: the movie is funny. Sure, fans of Seth Rogen will still get their share of familiar penis jokes but there's more subtle, grown up fare here as well and it all works.

One of my favorite aspects of Neighbors is the relationship between the two main characters, Mac and Kelly, played by Rogen and Byrne respectively. This is not your typical rom-com couple and its very refreshing! In most movies like this, especially Seth Rogen movies, the man is a bumbling, immature, idiot toker who somehow got a perfectly sane, put together woman to marry him. Those films would show the man screwing up at every turn and the woman struggling to clean up his mess. Luckily, Rogen and Byrne have created a truly realistic couple who both have their quirks and flaws. You can genuinely see what they see in each other and it makes sense that they would still be together after all is said and done. This relationship forms the heart of the movie and makes us all care about what happens to these folks.

The Bad

I typically try to find something...anything, about a movie that I didn't like. No film is perfect and Neighbors, I'm sure, isn't an exception. However, I have wracked my brain for something negative and I'm afraid I've failed you, readers. I have nothing bad to say. 

The Verdict

No matter your feelings for Seth Rogen, his co-lead and supporting cast bring the funny in Neighbors and the genuine relationship between the main characters sweetens the deal. I can recommend you watch Neighbors without reservation.

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