
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No, Batman vs. Superman Will Have No Connection to the Nolan Films

I love the internet. I really do. However sometimes the ability for anyone to post anything at all can be a problem. For instance, today a website I've never heard of posted "an inside scoop" about the upcoming Batman vs. Superman movie. I refuse to provide a link to their site because that would just encourage this kind of behavior. In this article, the writer claims to have insider information confirming that the events of the Nolan Batman movies will be considered official canon. So, if they are correct, that means the whole Bane thing, the Joker, all of it happened in the same world as Man of Steel. To be completely clear, this is 100% untrue. My purpose is posting this is to hopefully reduce the confusion.

According to David Goyer, the guy who wrote the Nolan films as well as Man of Steel and its upcoming sequel, these are two distint universes. Here's a quote from Goyer released before Man of Steel hit theaters:

"...Zack has said that Bruce Wayne exists in this universe. It would be a different Bruce Wayne from Chris' [Nolan] Dark Knight trilogy..."
So there. End of discussion!

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